Mediterranean egg pizza- or a green omlette

I buy eggs in bulk. They’re cheap and full of protein, but I don’t always have a recipe in mind. This week, I decided its time to get rid of these eggs and came up with this yummy and sophisticated recipe using only five ingredients. I hope you enjoy. I certainly did. This recipe will…

Chicken in creamy, cheesy sauce

This recipe is awesome and easy. Simply. Let’s get to it. This recipe will take about 35 minutes. Ingredients: For four portions, Four chicken breasts or about 600grams Chicken broth, about two cups Creme fraiche, a small container or about 200grams Parmigiano cheese!, about 60 grams grated or powder Minced garlic, about one clove Spinach,…

Carrot, sweet potato, and turkey soup- the vitamin A fixer.

During my last visit to the chiropractor, I was told I needed to eat more vegetables. The imbalance in my feet was causing me to walk crooked, and I found myself unable to balance while doing simple air squats. Internal stress on my liver was causing a subtle pull in the related muscles in my…

Beef tongue tacos- for your street food craving.

Do you crave authentic street tacos and happen to have a few hours to spare? Me too. This is a recipe I have been making for years and takes me back to parking lot taco shacks no matter where in the world I am living. We are doing this for the fun of cooking and…

Cashew chicken- home made take out!

This is another guilty pleasure meal which I adapted to fit my macros better. I enjoy eating delivery food and take out. In the grocery store last weekend, I walked past a bag of cashews and thought I’d give cashew chicken a try. This recipe may take about 35 minutes. Ingredients: For 3 large portions,…

Triple protein fried rice!

I love this recipe for taking lunch to work. It feels like a cheat meal, yet it’s packed with protein! Enjoy this juicy flavorful triple protein fried rice! This recipe should take up to 30 minutes. Ingredients: For 2 portions, Peeled and cooked shrimp, 300g or 3 packets Green onion, one bulb chopped or about 50…

Herby baked chicken- simple and packed with flavor!

Are you ready for a very easy recipe? I consider this to be a very low effort and high yielding recipe. This recipe needs to be prepared and cooked separately. The preparation process will take 5 minutes. The cooking will take about 20-25 minutes. Ingredients: Chicken breasts, as many as you want. I use 4. Olive…

Salmon balls- picnic foods and snacks!

Baked salmon has become a staple of my diet. I bake salmon every week and can put it in sandwiches or eat it with rice or lentils, like in this post!  This week, I tried a new spin on the baked salmon and made salmon balls! I like this recipe because it is intended for…

Baked Tofu sticks- lots of flavor, lots of protein!

This recipe gives the Tofu a nice flavor and texture! I find it is a great after work snack before going to the gym. This recipe takes about 35 minutes! Ingredients: Firm tofu, 400g or 1 package honey, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, about 2 tablespoons sesame oil, about 2 tablespoons powdered ginger and garlic, to…

Salmon and lentils- the most perfectly balanced meal!

This recipe is not only delicious but has the illusion of intricacy.  It is perfect for wow-ing guests or for your standard meal prep. With varied sources of protein and a nice balance of fats and carbs, this meal is filling too! This recipe takes about 35 minutes. Ingredients: For two portions salmon fillet, 2…